
Lacy’s answered a ton of your questions related to the How to Manifest Workshop inside of Supported. We’ve pulled the most relevant and frequently asked questions for you! Just click on the volume and fast forward to the time stamp that’s listed next to the question.

If you have a question you don’t see here, submit it to SUPPORTED.


VOL 4 • 00:36:35 - About owning the triggering aspects of ourselves. When we own it, we’re accepting these aspects, does wanting to change that aspect defeat the purpose of doing the shadow work? Is it about surrendering to being a victim?

VOL 14 • 00:29:11 - What if I’m not feeling triggered during Shadow work?

VOL 25 • 00:25:20 - I'm specifically focusing on Shadow and I feel things in my life shifting in a positive way, but I've also been experiencing feelings of anxiety and shame coming on more strongly than ever. Is this normal?

VOL 27 • 00:22:09 - One of my core elements of my authentic code is recognition. I’ve been doing the shadow work around this and it all adds up that my dad was an alcoholic and I didn’t get much recognition as a child, but I also found that I’m triggered by people who look for recognition when they do something. Why is it triggering me when people look for it, yet it’s apart of my code!?

VOL 28 • 00:27:14 - Triggering friendships


VOL 16 • 00:11:!7 - Memories x Shame

VOL 16 • 00:16:04 - Sex & Shadow

VOL 25 • 00:08:57 - I present a very feminine energy, but I internally feel blocked in this area when getting into sexually intimate situations. How can I tap into my feminine energy and attract the type of partners that hold the masculine dominant energy to guide me through?

VOL 26 • 00:21:24 - I did Shadow and two events that I have shame about are a sexual encounter from when I was 19 and another time I cheated when I was 20. Should confess them to my husband? Can I truly integrate these shadow aspects without sharing them with my partner?

VOL 28• 00:13:03 - The shadow of "felon"

being seen

VOL 4 00:51:38 - What is the root of interior validation? Where is this ‘interior’ stuff coming from?

VOL 10 • 00:26:14 - How do you stop allowing others to plant negative seeds in your mind?

VOL 15 • 00:07:46 - How can I approach a clear block of not being seen?

VOL 19 • 00:01:28 - Self-worth vs. validation


VOL 6 • 00:11:32 - Can you picking up someone else’s shadow?

VOL 13 • 00:31:45 - How does jealousy affect expansion?

VOL 24 • 00:12:40 - What are the energetics behind the fear of being beautiful? Is it a fear of being seen

VOL 26 • 00:25:06 - My habitual running away from my own growth makes me feel like I can't trust myself. Is there a way to know the running away self-sabotage voice from true intuitions?

VOL 26 • 00:22:41 - I don’t mean this in a snobby way, but I gravitate to the people I’m comfortable around, and I’ve found they’re sort of "less than" me, even though they make me feel good when they point out that I’m “amazing.” I feel like I don't have enough in common with the women who are more powerful and confident than me. I feel inferior and jealous around the "cooler" people. What should I do?

VOL 28 • 00:36:22 - Shadow and authentic code

VOL 28 • 00:34:55 - Projecting shadow and how it affects manifestations.

Integrating shadow

VOL 1 • 00:!4:18 - I'm worried that I haven't reprogrammed enough and there are still blocks I haven't discovered.  My question is how do you know when you are reprogrammed and have more self-worth?

VOL 2 • 00:10:39 - Do I need to reveal a secret in order to move forward, even if it’s a really bad secret that will hurt someone else?

VOL 4• 00:16:37 - When is a shadow trait integrated?

VOL 10 • 00:04:10 - How can you reprogram from a place of self-love rather than a desire to fix what’s broken?

VOL 13• 00:04:58 - Is it possible to reach a point where an aspect of shadow becomes so integrated that it is no longer triggering in our external reality?

VOL 24 • 00:34:19 Identifying with Shadow

VOL 29 • 00:11:45 - Intimidation and integrating shadow

Lila Seeley