Day 7 • Tests
What ways will I be tested?
When you’re at this point and moving to the Next Level, tests will come more in the form of fragment and patterned tests. They aren’t as obvious and they may not directly pertain to what you are call in, but rather the energetics around your manifestation.
You’re being tested to see if you actually believe that you are truly deserving of this Next Level. These tests usually come in the form of old patterns starting to pop up. Even the smallest patterns are tests and you must pass all of them in order to level up.
Ask Yourself
When presented with a fragmented test, ask yourself if it reflects you being in your worth, or not in your worth. If you can move forward remaining in your worth, then you will have passed the test.
An example of Next Level tests:
i. If you’re calling in a partner, the Universe may test you with old patterns of being taken advantage of or attracting emotionally unavailable men through relationships outside of partnership. You may start seeing these patterns arise in your relationships with coworkers or friends.
Therefore, in order to stay in your worth you must create energetic boundaries or let your friends go to communicate to the Universe that you will not return to low-self worth habits.
The Universe is simply testing whether or not you feel fully deserving of what you are calling in. Passing the tests of old patterns and fragments communicates that you feel deserving of this Next level. You are a chosen one that’s expanding past the glass ceiling.
i. What old patterns are resurfacing in new ways and shapes?
ii. If you’re still having trouble, list out everything that has triggered you in the last week. What do they all have in common? Ex. Do they make you feel disrespected, not seen or heard; etc?
iii. Take each of these blocks through UNBLOCKED No - which you received access to when signing up.