Day 6 • Taking Advantage Of

Where are you still being taken advantage of in your life and worth?

Today we’re going to be looking at all of the places where you may still be small or getting taken advantage of. These could be directly within yourself or within tiny fragments in your life that are making you feel that way. Think of the areas that you have overcome, and also the other areas that are still reflecting back to where you are not fully in your worth.

We can usually pinpoint these areas by recognizing old patterns showing up in new ways or where you are beginning to exhibit old habits of negative self-talk.


In dating, I used to be a doormat and let my partners walk all over me. I’ve now been able to work through that low-self worth habit, yet now when I am Next-Leveling, I find this pattern of people taking advantage of me in other realms such as with friends or potential work partners.

The areas where you’re still being taken advantage of are clues to the fragments that are blocking your next level manifestations from coming through. You need to communicate worth and deservingness to remove these blocks and pass these tests.


Think of all of the areas in your life where you are still being taken advantage of. List them out. Those are tests that are showing up to see whether or not you’re ready for these next level manifestations to come through.

Carry your answers into tomorrows work.

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Rebecca Winter