(0-9 MONTHS)
All developmental stages of our childhood were extremely important because they shaped many of our beliefs and behaviors today – in way of manifestation. I find Infancy to be the most notable, for it is the phase where we learned if we could trust entirely, depend on someone, and if we are worthy of depending on someone – therefore, creating the blueprint for all other relationships in our life. This is very important for Manifestation.
In order to have fully learned to trust, in this phase, our needs had to have been entirely met. This is a stage where we are completely co-dependent on our mother (mother figure/caretaker). In order for us to feel safe, she had to be completely secure and stable within herself and in her body, in addition to taking care of our needs (feeding, changing, swaddling, soothing). If one area was weaker, say she was physically taking care of our needs, but emotionally she was lacking, this would plant a seed of shame or unworthiness – ultimately an inability to fully trust and feel safe. It was also equally important that we were welcomed and wanted in the world.
If a safe environment and care-taking wasn’t well established, the need for outside soothing was imprinted during this phase of our life. Therefore, we’re more likely to develop pathological relationships with other forms of soothing later in life: food, chemicals, sex, shopping, _________ (filling the soothing void).
We also learned energetic trust and safety at this time. In order to be fully developed in this area, our mother needed to have had a deep sense of self-love and security, both internally and externally. She needed to accept us entirely. Meaning that if she had accidentally gotten pregnant and felt the pressure to marry someone that she didn’t love, on a deep kinesthetic level, we absorb her feelings about herself and our worth in an absolute energetic belief of worth = unworthy, a burden, a mistake.
Have you had an ingestive addiction (overeating, under-eating, over-drinking, or drugs?)
Do you have trouble trusting your ability to get your needs met?
Do you find it hard to trust other people? Do you feel you must be in control at all times (lacking trust)?
Do you ignore body signals of physical needs? (Do you eat when you’re not hungry)
Do you neglect your physical needs? (Do you ignore good nutrition or fail to get enough exercise? Do you go to the dentist and Dr. only for emergencies)?
Do you have deep fears of abandonment? Do you feel, or have ever felt desperate because a love relationship ended?
Have you considered suicide because a love relationship ended?
Do you often feel that you don’t truly fit in or belong anywhere? Do you feel that people don’t really welcome you or want your presence?
In social situations, do you try to be invisible so that no one will notice you?
Do you try to be so helpful (even indispensable) in your relationships that the other person (friend, lover, spouse, child, parent) cannot leave you?
Do you have great needs to be touched? Or does touch soothe you most? (massage, cuddling, rubbing, light scratching)
Do you have a continual and obsessive need to be valued and esteemed?
Journal everything notable that came up during your D.I.
i. What came up for you surrounding:
Soothing over ingestive addictions?
Having your needs met?
Too helpful vs receiving?
Physical touch?