Vol. 14 • Curate & Edit Your Subconscious Mind
Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy
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Avoiding negativity during expansion • 00:00:32
Triggers losing power • 00:03:23
Feeling like a copycat • 00:07:13
Clarity of core wants • 00:14:21
Blocking money in partnership • 00:14:56
Finding your authentic self as an adult • 00:18:12
Feeling uninspired • 00:21:17
Letting go of past relationships • 00:25:50
Not feeling triggered during Shadow work • 00:29:11
Parents’ financial help blocking portals • 00:30:32
How to approach the DRE • 00:32:16
Choosing limiting behaviors • 00:34:27
Closing portals on people in everyday life • 00:37:28
Feeling unseen in friendship • 00:41:16
How to reconnect with childlike belief • 00:43:08
Closing Exercise • 00:48:11
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Q&A Booklet
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Closing Exercise
We're going to spend most of the month of December on the blog talking about this and we're going to call it Space, Creating Space. Our reality, like spiritual bypass manifestation talks about, our reality is just a state of mind. It's a state of being. I believe that we’re manifesting from our subconscious mind. So we need to be so specific about what we are tuning into that creates our reality, right? Because as we all know, we're continuing to expand based on anything we're doing, whether we're watching TV, whoever we surround ourselves with, our community, our town, our culture, everything. These are just labels and things that are trying to put us in a box and we get to open up the box and create freedom and have whatever we want. And let me tell you, I've seen this happen for every type of person, so you're fully capable. You are the curator of your life and your world. And one of the fastest ways to super speed this is exactly what you allow to penetrate your subconscious mind.
I'm not talking about energy, like negative vibes or any of that kind of stuff. I'm literally talking about mirror neurons, what you're witnessing and projecting into your subconscious mind to be your truth. You need to start curating what that looks like and you're the only one who can do it. Now, this is controversial. It definitely got me into trouble before, but I personally do not tune into any sensationalist news. We're puppets. It's being created for ratings. And this isn't saying this is what you have to do, I'm just giving you an example.
Every single thing I witnessed in my life is a curation, there's still components I need to work on in social media. But in my life, everything I have is a reflection of everything I've said “yes” to that and “no” to that. This is what I need you guys to start doing in whatever capacity works with your truly authentic self. This doesn't mean to be ignorant. It doesn't mean putting your head in the sand, but it means getting very selfish about exactly what you perceive to be your reality because it's what's going to create your reality.
So what I want you to look at – from social media, to TV, to relationships in your life, to every single thing you're allowing around you, furniture, clothing, everything. Because this is all the physical plane, right? And we're manifesting through energetics to materialize on the physical plane – I want you to start getting rid of anything that does not reflect the life that your core, authentic self wants and needs.
And why I'm having you do that is because I'm basically having you curate who are your expanders and who aren't. Even the subliminal stuff like when you’re driving around billboards that are projecting a whole thing of what our bodies are supposed to look like. So what are your biggest insecurities? All of it needs to go out of your existence.
A great example of that is I used to follow a ton of models on Instagram. I used to model and act when I was young. I have all sorts of fucking body issues from that whole thing. Also the only thing I was ever validated for growing up was being pretty. So it wasn't being intelligent, it wasn't being creative, it wasn't anything but being pretty.
So for me, when I started to get really conscious about my reality, I was like, “I need to stop following every swimsuit model. I need to stop following anything that reflects something that isn't my authentic expression of self that makes me feel so confident about that expression.” So I unfollowed all of that. I stopped subscribing to TV so I couldn't see subliminal commercials anymore. Magazines, I don't tune into whatsoever. And so whatever your insecurities are, they need to leave your reality and you need to start putting things into your reality – expanders who are so confident in what you authentically identify as. Same thing goes for social media. I don't know if we'll really get ballsy enough to do, but I've just been talking to Lila this week where I want to unfollow everything on instagram. I don't want to see anything anymore. Maybe a token few brands that really inspire us, but I want us to get so authentic, so in our own path and projection that we're not witnessing anything from friends, to this, to that – curate your social media guys, please.
I know it's so political with friendships, with family, with all of this stuff – but anything that isn't reflecting your authentic lifestyle that you are manifesting, whether that's love, whether it's money, it needs to go. Same goes with TV. Same goes with clothing. Especially same goes with community. Things you might not be able to control right at this minute or your asshole bosses and things like that. But you certainly have control over your partner if you want them around or not.
So what I want you to do for the next two weeks is I want you to have a journal that you take with you throughout the day, and look at every single thing you subliminally expose your mind to. All around you. Facebook to whatever that's just taking up space and literally in a hypnotic state telling your subconscious what is your truth and what isn't.
I need you to get very specific about what that is for you, and it needs to fully align with what you’re manifesting in alignment with your authentic self. I want you to get rid of the clothes. Unfollow. Stop watching anything that isn't reflecting the exact things you're manifesting. I know that can feel selfish and scary and all the things that go with it, but guess what creates magnetism? When we walk through our fears. You’ll literally create instant magnetism when you're like, oh my god, that person will be so crazy if I unfollow them. Unfollow them. If they rear their shadow, which tends to happen, call them and be like, “Hey, let's get together in real life and go on a hike.” You know, but I'm not going to look at your bullshit photos or whatever needs to happen. I want you to go through these next few weeks. Get very conscious about consciously curating what you are exposing yourself and your mirror neurons to on a subconscious level.
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