VOL. 2 • Blocks A Somatic Feeling
Leave us your feedback in the comments below, so we can continue to tailor these talks to your exact needs! This series is to support you, so I want to make sure you’re getting the support you need. – Love, Lacy
If you do not see your same or similar question below, please send it to supported@tobemagnetic.com!
Feelings vs. memories during DI's • 00:15
Thoughts on dating apps • 03:46
Can’t shake the money worries? • 06:50
Is your secret holding you back? • 10:39
When you can’t find expanders • 14:14
Opening up when you can’t let go • 18:02
When you resist commitment • 20:47
How to stop responding to your ex • 25:20
All about your lists • 28:25
When childhood wounds seem endless • 31:06
Money out vs. money in • 34:12
Social Media x Expanders • 38:29
Tests without clarity • 40:59
When you seem to be repelling money • 44:18
Partners that don't fit your list • 47:50
Going blank during the DI's/closing exercise • 52:08
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Closing Exercise
Something that I want you guys to practice these next two weeks, especially for the people who are having trouble with things coming up in your deep imaginings, as well as just becoming more present and understanding that your body should be communicating more, less than your brain and your head. It's never going to lead to the right place.
One thing I want you to do is to start practicing ... I mean it's a channeled thing that I do, but it's somatic, essentially. It's really allowing your body to communicate where trapped blocks are inside of it. It's like a shortcut. You can be doing this deep imaginings or you can do this and just traditional meditation that you sit down for 10 minutes to get quiet, or if you're like me, I love meditating, so I do vedic for 40 minutes and I go really deep on this.
Go ahead and close your eyes and just really get into a practice. You don't have to do it right now. I'll just walk you through what it feels like while your eyes are closed. Just beginning to breathe and focus on your breath. Just slowing it down, allowing your thoughts to fully surrender as much as they can, and searching anywhere that feels heavy, allowing it to surrender. Maybe you let it float into the ground and scan your body right now.
I want you to just tune in somewhere that is causing physical pain or feels tight where it's just communicating to you, just a part your body, to tune into that. Really, it's a soft focus on that area. Just allowing it to have a memory, a person, clarity pop up, whatever it wants to communicate, and just sit with it for a moment until you get something. It can be as subtle as a tree in your childhood or the smell of summer in your teens or early adulthood. Just tune into that area, and let it communicate what memory is attached to that area of the body.
When you have clarity, seeing what this version of you in this particular time needs right now to feel whole. Maybe it's a healing, maybe it's to run out and scream, maybe it's an apology, a reassurance from you. Just give it what it needs to feel whole. If there are emotions attached to it, just allowing those to process. Wiggling your toes and your fingers, if you did go into this, so that you can come back out.
The key things you're going to do to start working with this in your body to see where in your nervous system memory is or trauma might be trapped is, number one, getting quiet and getting into a meditative state. Number two, scanning your whole body to find somewhere that's carrying pain, tension, awareness, tuning into it with a soft focus long enough to allow something to come up.
There is no right or wrong, so there's no way to be militant about this or perfect it. You just wait until some sort of clarity comes out of it. It can be any clarity. It's not wrong, go with it. Just follow it, even if it doesn't feel 100%. You're just training your intuition to start trusting and to allow your brain to get quiet.
Then the next step, once you have that clarity, is to give yourself in that moment what it needs to feel whole and to feel confident and magnetic. After that, you'll have whatever emotional release or energetic release around it, if you need. This is a different way that you can start to tune in to where your blocks are and what blocks you're carrying, allowing your body to communicate them when maybe our brain and our minds are a little too neurotic or too perfectionistic or blocked to allow it. This is another way to come in at it.
Go ahead and practice this for the next few weeks, and move it into your tool belt, start to use this. I use this all the time. It's a shortcut during every meditational scan of my body and see where something is. It allows me to not have to go into a DI that day if I don't have the time or I can't. It's just a quick way to give that little version of me that. It's how I also work with my feminine, by allowing my feminine to come out and feel safe and play with that energy
That's a practice I want you guys to do for the next two weeks and then to use in your tool belt. This should help for the people in their deep imaginings who are just having feelings come up rather than an image. Lean into the feeling until you get an image. We'll see you on the next Supported.
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