Step Nine


How we manifest.

In manifestation, core beliefs are what determine the things we manifest. Not thoughts, feelings, and or "vibes." We manifest from our beliefs. This is why “bad” people are capable of manifesting great things. Because they believe they are right and have expanded core beliefs surrounding what they are calling in even if they are unaware of this process.

Let’s get down to core beliefs and see how they like to keep us small. Remember, those beliefs are only denied aspects of self that need to be integrated and owned. That's how these aspects lose their smallness. We’ll get into expanding beliefs tomorrow, but for today, let’s focus on what needs to be integrated in order for us to manifest more powerfully.


Have your journal and pen present. This will be an interactive Deep Imagining in the sense that you will float up to write down quick answers throughout. Then you will close your eyes and float back down. It’s important to be somewhere quiet and alone. Very dim lighting can be more impactful as well.


Now that you have your short answers from the Deep Imagining, I'd like you to journal at length everything you answered and discovered. Especially the new beliefs and what you'd need to do to arrive at them. If this meditation brought up more shadow work, please add these to your denied aspects list and work them through the previous steps.

*adapted from Light Chaser and my own exercise.


“I have been able to manifest money and a job. I have had several tests with jobs that were not for my worth but  that I would previously accept out of fear to find something else or of being afraid of running out of money. Each time I doubted I would write it in Lacy’s secret society and I always received the love and encouragement in order to keep on the right track and get what I truly deserve. My expanders have been ordinary people that little by little have made things happen and have manifested what they truly wanted, even people who manifested without even knowing about manifesting at all but by being truly authentic. Those are the people that inspire me to have the life I deserve and to become the best version of me.”

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Lacy Phillips