Welcome to The Rut
A Rut is when we’re far away from authentic self. It’s when you’ve been in the same, endless cycle for 4 months to a year. It feels like we are trekking through mud, uphill, without clarity, and can’t seem to catch a flow.
If you have no motivation, you’re unclear of our purpose and feeling like you’re are meandering. You’re dating the wrong people over and over or you’re completely single without a single prospect. If you’re engaging in unhealthy habits and checking out from reality and your true potential. If you keep finding yourself in the wrong circumstances when you know you’re worth far more than what you’re getting, you’re probably stuck in a rut.
What’s really happening is that the aspects in our subconscious of our authentic worth that are so afraid of being let down, protect themselves through bad habits or simply not letting the good in. A rut can only last as long as we decide to stay in them by abandoning our authentic self and settling far beneath our worth. What you’re being called to do is truly forgive the pain, the shame, and the labels.
I’ll tell you now, I’ve been in my fair share of ruts. But each and every one of them has allowed me to better understand how truly magnetic we become when we pull ourselves out of them. I wouldn’t trade any of them because of how purposeful they have been for me. Here’s just a few of my examples:
i. Acting while waitressing to support myself for years, a path that I later found out was not my passion to pursue, prepared me to be seen for this work, this blog, and having the ability to start it on a shoestring budget.
ii. Feeling lost and partying in my 20’s has better allowed me to understand people in ruts with bad habits and how to break them.
iii. A heart-shattering break up with a long-time partner led to me discovering manifestation.
I would not know this manifestation technique if I hadn’t gone through my ruts.
We end up in these ruts to pick up lessons that are going to strengthen our purpose. Each and every particular rut is very divine. Many of us are in ruts because of two reasons:
Beaten down so badly that you don’t believe you’re worthy
We’re afraid of our own potential, our genius, and the power of our worth
The key is to learn how to not stay in our ruts for too long, to get clear on our authentic codes, and rebuild our worth. Ruts are like medicine. But even the best herbs become poison when you take them too long, in too much abundance.
This workshop is going to teach you how to identify your authentic code. It’s time to move out of your rut.
How To Navigate This Workshop
You’ll watch the each of the videos a total of 3 times:
1 - Watch all the videos to get a better understanding of The Rut.
2- Work through it day by day – moving on only once you’ve completed the previous day.
3- Rewatch to spend extra time on the work that needs deepening.