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SPACE • we ask you to designate a place where you can be truly alone to create space for this work. For some, that is an altar, a room, a meditation mat, or maybe even a bath. We ask you to prepare this space as a little portal where you won't be interrupted.

TOOLS • the only tools that you'll need to complete this workshop are a journal, pen, and earphones to listen to any Deep Imaginings that Lacy has recorded.

SCHEDULE • the content of this workshop will consist of written exercises and recorded Deep Imaginings. You can work at your own pace.

QUESTIONS & COMMENTS • Because there are thousands of you on this journey together, Lacy won't be able to respond to your questions and comments. However, please don’t hesitate to submit any questions that are coming up for you to SUPPORTED, her monthly class where she answers them.

TECH • We sometimes get emails regarding trouble logging into the page. Updating your browser or using an alternative one will be sure to fix it.

ACCESS • You will access each post by logging into the account you created. Simply press the "login button" on the bottom right of the TBM site.


Because we all come from such different backgrounds and programming, this workshop will be an incredible self-journey allowing you to investigate, pinpoint, and navigate the programming that's limiting you, where you're in need of massive expanding (seeing is believing), and how to step into your masculine-magnetic-money energy. 

So, I invite you to dive deep into every question and exercise. I'd also encourage you to repeat the exercises a couple of times, out of sequence, in order to get down to the deeper layers. 

This workshop will be administered through written exercises (for deeper cognitive integration) and Deep Imaginings (Neuroplasticity hypnosis in order to create new neural pathways - ways of circuiting (thinking) – therefore allowing you to tap into your subconscious mind). 

Now, I can’t do this for you; therefore, I can’t force you to finish this. It is up to you to dive in to get lasting clarity, experience shifts, and harness the tools to expand your finances. 

Note that this work can bring up a lot of emotions for you. I highly suggest receiving support from a professional, friend, or 12-step group if the feelings hit a level that is hard to manage on your own. Be gentle with yourself during this process. Use great self-care, and be aware that you might feel a bit more inward than usual. 

How to NaviGate The Rest of the Workshop

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the 'PREVIOUS' post on the left side. That will take you to the next day's content.

Or, simply click 'Your Account,' select visit next to the member plan you're trying to access, and you will see all of the workshop posts on one page, and you can navigate from there. 

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Lacy Phillips