Now that you understand your structure of beliefs (subconscious beliefs - day 1) + expansion (expanders of space - day 2), today we are going to learn about worth. All of these have to add up together to create the energy of abundance. When I say that money is simply energy, this is the energetic equation. 

I was born with the bizarre gift of understanding how energy works. If a) happens, then b) will follow or fill its place. That's what makes this work so innate for me. I can very quickly see one's blocks and how the energy will adjust once unblocked; then I dually have the gift of boiling energetics down into physical and tangible form and the actions. 

So, in this next session, please forgive the descriptions that follow, for they have nothing to do with patriarchy, feminism, turning too masculine and losing your feminine nature, or anything like that. This will not be P.C. However, if I'm going to describe energetics in physical forms without speaking to you directly, I have to use "labels." I do not adhere or give much importance to labels because they are so limiting and would dramatically limit the work that I'm able to do and what I'm able to see. However, because we aren't in person together, I must use generalized labels for everyone to have a reference.

Moving on, let's get into the energetics of money. Money is a masculine energy. Every single one of us inhabits masculine and feminine energy; I don't care what gender you identify with. If I distill masculine money energy even deeper, it is masculine worthy energy. Whereas, love is a feminine worthy energy. Money magnetism is an unapologetic, in your power, strong energy that attracts more and more pending on how much expanded space (door) you have for it to come through. 

Simply put, in our conscious daily lives, where we are small and not in our power, our abundance magnetism is very weak. 


THE UNIVERSE IS OUR ONLY BANK • A VERY important aspect to manifesting money: our monetary door must only be open to the universe. Therefore, if our money comes from family, spouses, or jobs we dislike, then it is our family and spouses with their doors open and ours is closed to money. Even if we are partially paying for our own lives, our door is only ajar for small amounts of money to come through. The more we open our door to only receiving from The Universe - if our subconscious is unblocked and we are expanded - the more that money will flow through to us. 

MONEY MUST COME FROM BELIEVABLE INCOME OR INVESTMENTS • Look I've read ALL the new age manifestation books on money out there, and though it sounds magical that these large sums of money can come from all these mystical, mysterious places, the truth of the matter is that unless you've seen to believe this to happen over and over and over again, your subconscious simply isn't expanded for this. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but money must come from genuine, believable income or investments. More on this tomorrow.


Let's take inventory of your current energetics around money by answering these questions followed by instructions you'd receive during my one-on-one session advisory. I'm going to give physical examples from the most common ones I see in my practice. Even if your exact scenario isn't listed here, there should be enough for you to piece together yours. If the answer is yes to any of these, you are blocking your money magnetism by not stepping into your power.

Are you staying in a relationship mostly to be financially secure? If so, you are energetically blocking your magnetic money flow and you're in need of expanding and jumping off the cliff to being self-supporting and single. You're also very loudly communicating to the universe that your worth is so tiny that you'd never make it on your own without staying in something that doesn't serve you. dually, because you are essentially using your partner, you will be faced with some major tests after. the sooner you can start finding work and stepping out on your own two feet, you will create magnetism. This goes for living with parents out of fear of being completely financially independent.

Are you in a job that doesn't feed your soul? Is it treating you poorly? Keeping you small? Or keeping you stuck? If so you are blocking your magnetic money flow because you aren't in your power and you're not on your correct path. Even if this is just a part-time job, or continuing to work with certain clients because you're afraid that you won't be financially secure without them. you must expand to create space (door open), and then let go of them to allow the bigger jobs and clients through = a lot more money.

Are you supported by family money or a trust? If so, your family's door is open, but yours is closed or slightly ajar. you must begin closing that door by no longer living off the interest or allowance. You must invest the allowance or the interest you might be living off back into the investments to keep growing while you only open your door to the career and passion that you've expanded into through your expanders.

Are you living off of a spouse's money? If so, you need to expand into your heart-centered career through expanders and little by little close the door to your spouse's money by only opening your door to your own. the quicker you can do this, the more that will flow through.

Are you an immigrant (or second generation) who feels the depths of your subconscious limiting labels picked up through society? You need to go out and find a lot of expanders from your same culture in your current country that are very successful and don't seem to live in the confines of those programs. After expanding, you need to let go of any jobs, relationships or clients that reinforce that smallness or inferiority. and begin only taking opportunities that reflect your passions and expansion.

Are you a lower companion? Meaning, is your group mostly full of people who live in lack and can't seem to get their goals off the ground? You must find your new community (expanders) that already have what you desire. and surround yourself around them.

Love and money are directly connected as they are both connected to the balance of feminine and masculine energetics of worth. Are you in a relationship with two different people dishonestly? Or are you having an affair? The energetics you are communicating to the universe is that your worth is so small that you can't be in your power by being honest and you need multiple exterior things to validate you. therefore your door is rather closed.

If you have a secret you're hiding (shadow) that eats away at you, because you are afraid of the world finding this out about you, then your magnetism is low. What we don't own owns us. this is when i prescribe shadow work to integrate and own the shame behind it.

Are you in a relationship where everything is mostly on your spouse's terms and they pull most of the financial weight? This should bring up feelings of repression? Your door is rather closed because you haven't stepped into your masculine worth energy. You need to lay out your terms and allow them to honor them. and you can't settle for less.

If you are an artist and you continue to settle for the projects that aren't serving you - due to fear - you are not communicating your worth. You are essentially "taking what you can get." or if you aren't putting yourself out there at all. Have you found actual successful expanders (in-person) that you identify with that can create space in your subconscious? If so, it's time to start saying no and fully putting yourself out there. totally in your power.


Let's dive in deeper.

The through line we're noticing in all of these above scenarios is that each one energetically feels small. There is a sense of settling or needing others to make you feel secure. Not in your masculine worth energy. So right now, I'd like you to take inventory of your personal smallness (especially in relation to money, job, and relationships). Look all around your life. Where are you needing to fearlessly put one foot in front of the other to step into your power? For that is the energy of magnetic abundance. 


Journal the actions you need to take to step into your worth masculine magnetism (as you will refer to them later).

Looking for support? Submit your questions through Supported. Lacy answers your questions in our monthly audio manifestation class.

Lacy Phillips