Authentic Self

The version of ourselves that we were when we were first born, before any negative programming, pain, shame and conditioning we received while growing up. The goal of Lacy’s work is to remove this conditioning and programming to get back to our most true selves.


The way we process and learn something in a conscious state (beta) through thought, experience, and the senses.

Deep Imagings (DI)

Recorded hypnotic audio-based exercises that allow your subconscious mind (where we manifest from) to come forward in a theta or alpha (hypnotic) state. We use these to reprogram neural pathways and to take inventory of the physical and internal aspects of self that are out of alignment.


The energetics of being disconnected from an egoic outcome or objective.

Ego Dance 

The things you do, the way you try to look, and the things you say in front of others to be accepted, loved, and liked.  


Aka “seeing is believing”. An Expander a person that you identify with that’s already been where you are now, and has gone on to become successful in, owns, or embodies what you want (job, relationship, house, success, friendships, relationship with self, etc). This concept is based on simple neuroscience and the creation of mirror neurons.

Fragment Expanders™

Expanders that represent “fragments” of what you’re manifesting rather than the entire picture, and you relate to them in some way. To some extent, most Expanders will be Fragment Expanders, since we are all such unique, individual beings.


Living in and being aligned with your authentic essence. When you’ve jumped off the cliff of comfort (using your trust muscle) and honor your truth, you become magnetic and your authentic projection of success becomes a natural force of nature.

Integrated / Integrate

Until we reclaim lost aspects of ourselves and unplug them from pain, shame, & programming, they will continue to own us. Integration allows you to fully love & accept anyone or anything that activates you. The process involves investigating how these people/situations are simply mirrors of qualities that you deemed unloveable earlier in your life, due to pain, shame and programming telling you you wouldn't be loved if you had this quality/situation.


Downloads or pings we receive as deep knowings that come to the forefront of our consciousness to aid in connecting back to our truest, most authentic self.


Looking at the people and situations that surround you with radical honesty and determining if they are serving and supporting your magnetism or holding you back.

Limiting Beliefs

Deeply-rooted subconscious beliefs about our self-worth that keep us small and settling for less than what we deserve.


The energetics behind being completely and utterly your whole, authentic self, and literally having a magnet-like pull bringing your manifestations towards you. This is why this work is based around increasing your self worth - it’s what also increases your magnetism.  


Doing the work to call in and receive whatever it is that you want in life. We manifest from our deep-rooted subconscious beliefs and self worth, as the universe’s entire intention is for us to grow into our most whole, worthy, authentic selves.


It is scientifically proven that your brain changes throughout your lifetime. This debunks old notions that your brain is fixed after childhood and stays that way. Our established ways of thinking, feeling, and doing can be rewired by forming new neural pathways, rewriting the old ones. Repeated and directed attention towards one’s desired change can rewire the brain.

Physical Conscious Reinforcement

Actionable steps that you can take on a daily basis (from a conscious beta-state) that reinforce the work you are doing with your subconscious in these workshops.


Hits of intuition that tell you to do a specific thing, go to a specific place, etc. Your intuitive roadmap, if you will.

Physical Plane

The actual physical world that we live in as physical beings that have physical needs. Rather than the energetic plane.

Reality Expanders™

Someone in your life who gives you a “reality check” and makes you realize maybe you don’t want what you thought you did.


Qualities within humanity, or ourselves, that we’ve deemed as unloveable due to the pain & shame we’ve experienced or witnessed. We've disowned these aspects of ourselves and placed them in our "shadow". This creates low self-worth on a subconscious level.


A physical or emotional change in our environment due to the work of reprogramming low self-worth and limiting beliefs.

Subconscious Reprogramming

This is the beauty of neuroplasticity work as your subconscious is where you manifest from. In order to tap into this, you must enter a hypnotic theta state (through DIs) to access the limiting low self-worth beliefs that live in the subconscious, and show it an alternative belief in order for you to change how you show up in the world, as well as the energetics you’re projecting to the Universe.

Staying Grounded

Simply becoming more aware of where you currently, and coming back into your body, or back on earth by using tools (such as herbs, earthing, crystals, epsom salt baths) to create a space where you feel safe and your nervous system is calm.

“The Work”

This is what we call all of Lacy’s workshops, and the process as a whole. It’s when you’re uncovering old programming and limiting beliefs you picked up throughout your lifetime, becoming clear on your intentions, finding Expanders, passing tests, following inutive pings, building your trust muscle, and clearing blocks through reprogramming.


This can be anything that creates an emotional and egoic reaction from you. It does not have to be associated with what you want to manifest. But triggers will affect your manifestation process, as they usually point to your blocks. You usually have hit a trigger when a person or situation makes you activated or react in a way of judgement, anger, low self-worth, extreme sadness, pain, jealousy, etc. Triggers serve as mirrors for what needs to be unblocked and integrated.


A state of being effortlessly open, free, and vulnerably authentic without self-limiting loops re-circuiting in your subconscious. You’ve removed what doesn’t serve you (blocks).